March 16, 2025
- Worship Attendance, March 9: 259 Small Groups: Kids, 41 / Youth, 16 / Adults, 117
- Total Giving, March 9: $18,800.70
- 8:30AM & 11AM Sunday Public Family Worship - Sundays we have two worship services at 8:30AM & 11AM in the Sanctuary. Families may sit together or after the music portion of our worship your children grades K-5 may go to KidzWay escorted by our Children's ministry team. For those unable to attend our on campus service, we have an online worship experience on our Facebook live page @Mansfieldbclife at 9AM or you can view on our website anytime after the service. Feel free to share with others.
- We have childcare for ages Birth to 4yrs. and special needs during the hour of worship on Sunday mornings at 8:30AM & 11AM. Parents of children and church members please email the church office at church@mbclife.org to serve 1 hour every 3 months. Your help is needed and appreciated.
- Sunday School Classes for ALL ages - Sunday School Classes meet at 9:45AM following our 8:30am worship service in house. Contact the church office at church@mbclife.org for classes and instructions on how to join in.
- Adult Wednesday prayer meeting - Adults will meet in the sanctuary from 6:30-7:30 PM.
- Children's Wednesday night activities are at the church down the children's hall. Children will meet from 6:30-7:30PM while adults meet for prayer meeting.
- Youth Wednesday Breakout - On campus from 6:30-7:30PM led by our Youth Pastor Cory Craver.